Did You Know…
9 out of every 10 couples who have unprotected sex will become pregnant within a year.
1 out of every 4 sexually active teens get some type of sexually transmitted infection.
3 out of 10 girls become pregnant at least once before they reach age 20.
Sexual abstinence is the most effective way to protect yourself against STDs and unintended pregnancy. However, if you do decide to have sex…Family Planning can help you reduce your risk.
Teens under 18 who have no medical insurance receive FREE Family Planning services through the federal government’s Title X program. The Title X program must be the payer of last resort. Therefore, teens who have medical insurance whose parents are aware of their Family Planning Plus patronage must use their insurance to pay for services and supplies. Our insured teen patients who don’t want their parents to know that they are sexually active and/or using birth control may utilize the free Title X services because of confidentiality. Free services are not offered to promote teen sexual activity, but to encourage teens who are already sexually active to receive regular health screenings and to protect themselves and others from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Fees for all other clients are based on household size and income. Uninsured women between the ages of 18 and 44 may be eligible for free exams and birth control through a new state program, SelectPlan for Women.
Services include
- Reproductive Health Exams
- Birth Control (Please note that we do not offer all types and brands of birth control. If you choose a method that is not available at our offices, we may need to write you a prescription or refer you to another health care provider.)
- Morning After Pill (Plan B One-Step) Plan B is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex, but can be used up to 120 hours after unprotected sex
- Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing & Treatment (FREE for both males and females of all ages)
- Pregnancy Testing & Complete Options Counseling
All services are strictly confidential. We respect your right to privacy. Parental consent or notification is not required to receive services or birth control. However, we do encourage you to talk with your parents about your decision to utilize our services.
Call one of our offices for an appointment.
Appointments are required for all medical services. Individuals without an appointment who request services may be seen if there is no one scheduled at that time, or they may choose to wait until all individuals with scheduled appointments have been served. Some of our offices do not require an appointment to receive the morning after pill or to pick up contaceptive supplies that have been prescribed for you by our medical staff.