Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic services are confidential and FREE for males and females of all ages and incomes. Services include:
- Education & Counseling
- Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Testing & Treatment (vaginal smear or urine test for females, urine test for males)
- Syphilis Testing & Treatment (blood test)
- HIV Antibody Testing (blood test, includes pre- and post-test counseling)
- Diagnosis of Other STDs and Vaginal Infections (including, but not limited to, Genital Warts, Herpes, Trich, Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast Infections)
- Partner Notification (at the patient’s request, a PA Department of Health nurse will confidentially notify any or all of the patient’s partners in the event of a reportable positive test result)
To be eligible for FREE STD Program services, individuals must have the complete screening (testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV).
Individuals testing positive for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and/or Syphilis will also receive free treatment. They will be encouraged to bring their sexual partners to the treatment visit so all can be treated at the same time. There is no charge for treatment of sexual partners.
When diagnosed with external genital warts, the patient may be treated immediately through the Family Planning program. A special solution is applied to the warts. Depending on the extent of the warts, the patient may need several treatments which are normally scheduled one week apart. Since this treatment is provided through Family Planning, there may be a fee depending on the patient’s age and household income.
In the event of medical allergies or recurrent infections, a prescription for a different drug therapy may be given to the patient.
Additional testing for Hepatitis C and Genital Herpes (not covered under STD clinic services) is offered at some of our offices at a reduced cost.
Appointments are required for all STD visits. Individuals without an appointment who request services may be seen if there is no one scheduled at that time, or they may choose to wait until all individuals with scheduled appointments have been served.