Educational Programs
Professional sexuality and reproductive health education programs are available to community groups, schools, and churches in the form of workshops, lectures, and in-services. Some of the programs include interactive elements, and are approximately one hour in length. However, programs may be shortened, lengthened, combined, or otherwise adapted to accommodate your needs. There is no cost for utilizing our community education services, but since we receive no funding to provide these services, donations are most welcome and appreciated. Descriptions of our most requested programs follow.
Pregnancy Prevention – This program examines all forms of birth control, from abstinence to emergency contraceptive pills. Each method’s effectiveness, advantages, disadvantages, availability, cost, and use are described. Common pregnancy myths are discredited.
Sexually Transmitted Infections – Anyone can get a sexually transmitted infection. This program examines statistical trends, common symptoms, and risk factors of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Some of the most common STIs, along with their usual symptoms and possible complications, are described. Testing, diagnosis, and treatment are also discussed. Risk reduction strategies are explained and emphasized.
HIV Disease – HIV is preventable and education is the key. In this program, participants learn basic information about the healthy immune system, and how HIV affects it. The difference between HIV and AIDS is explained. Information about transmission routes, disease progression, testing, and current treatment options is included. Risk reduction is discussed and emphasized.
Talking with Your Children About Sexuality – Why is it so difficult to talk with our children about sex? Is it really important? Whether you like it or not, you are your child’s primary sex educator. For parents of infants to teens, this program helps its participants understand the importance of open and honest family communication about sexuality. The broad meaning of sexuality is discussed, and parents learn tips to be more approachable to their children, and to make conversations easier and more meaningful. Parents are encouraged to take advantage of teachable moments, and to anticipate and plan answers to common questions.
Understanding HPV – The Human Papilloma Virus is considered the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection and has been linked to the development of cervical cancer and genital warts. This program provides a brief overview of HPV, including prevalence, transmission routes, typical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and risk reduction and prevention strategies. The benefits and limitations of HPV vaccination are alsodiscussed.
Your Reproductive Health – This program emphasizes the importance of regular reproductive health care for women, and includes information on breast health, common vaginal infections, the Pap test, and the pelvic exam. Signs and symptoms that indicate the need to be evaluated by a medical provider are discussed.
Educational Resources
A variety of books, videos, and other teaching tools may be borrowed by professionals representing social service agencies, schools, and churches. The following resources are some of the most commonly requested.
- Contraceptive Kit – for use when teaching about birth control methods – includes speculum, diaphragm, cervical cap, male and female condoms, contraceptive foam & gel, IUD, vaginal ring, contraceptive patch, several brands of oral contraceptives, Plan B® emergency contraceptive pill kit, and information that describes the above.
- “Jessica’s Story” – This 10 minute video is a compilation of scenes taken from the ABC TV daytime drama “One Life to Live”. It examines the story of teenager Jessica Buchanan’s pregnancy, and offers an excellent starting point for discussion about teen pregnancy and its consequences.
- Talking About Sex: A Guide for Families – This delightful, 30-minute, animated video helps families communicate more comfortably and effectively about sex. It is the ideal springboard for family discussions around puberty, sexuality, and relationships.
- Sexually Transmitted Disease: The Risk is Real – This 7-minute video provides an enlightened look at how sexually transmitted infections may affect young people’s lives. It shows a young woman visiting a family planning clinic where she is diagnosed with chlamydia, treated, and comforted and counseled by a nurse practitioner.
- Teens & Sex in Europe: A Story of Rights, Respect & Responsibility – Narrated by Mariette Hartley, this 16-minute video provides a fascinating glimpse into the sexual health attitudes of Europeans. European and U.S. teens speak their minds about protecting themselves within sexual relationships (Advocates for Youth & Paradise Productions, 2000).
Information packets on a variety of topics are available as well. We request a small donation to cover the cost of copying. One week advance notice is appreciated. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Contraception
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- HIV Disease
- Talking with Your Children About Sex
- Puberty
- Breast Health
- Reproductive Health Care
- Teen Pregnancy
- Preconceptual Care (for couples planning a pregnancy)
- Pregnancy Options
Pamphlets on a variety of topics are also available in small quantities.