Genital herpes (HSV2) is most commonly caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 2. The Herpes virus, as with most viruses, can lay dormant in your system for long periods of time. Some type of stress occurs in the body, the immune system becomes decreased, the virus is activated, and a “Herpes outbreak” can occur. However, some people can have the HSV2 and never have any symptoms or outbreaks.
We do know that shedding occurs during an active outbreak, and it is best to abstain from sexual activity during that time. Studies have shown that, even when you are not having an active outbreak, you are still shedding the HSV2. The amount or level of virus that is being shed differs at any given time, so it is impossible to know when your viral level is high or low. One way to protect yourself (and your partner) is to use condoms during sex. That being said, condoms are not 100% effective. HSV2 can occur anywhere in the “boxer short” area, so condoms do have their limitations.
Valtrex and Acyclovir are medications that can…
Continue reading3. June 2012
Comments Off on My girlfriend is on birth control, and for the past few weeks has taken it consistently on time. However, during her week of inactive pills, she is only having her period from the 3rd to 5th day. Is this something to be concerned about, as this was actually relatively similar to her schedule before she went on birth control (3 to 4 days of bleeding)
As long as your partner is taking her pills correctly & consistently, it is unlikely that she will become pregnant.
There are several benefits, other than birth control, that the pills provide to women. Oral contraceptives can help decrease ovarian and uterine cancer,
and helps to prevent certain types of breast cancer. They can help decrease the incidence of pelvic infection and tubal pregnancies.
The pills help women to have regular 28 day menstrual cycles. Along with this regularity, pills may help lighten and/or shorten periods. Any bleeding or
spotting during the inactive pill week is considered a period. If your partner’s period is only 2 or 3 days, that is okay. Many women enjoy having
shorter/lighter periods.
Make sure your partner continues to take her pills every day, around the same time. Taking them correctly maintains good effectiveness for
both birth control and cycle control.
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on 9 weeks postpartum, had sex using a condom. It was rough and I’m sore and having bright pink spotting, could I be pregnant?
Pregnancy is highly unlikely as long as you used the condom correctly and it was intact when he withdrew. The pink spotting that you are experiencing is probably due to the recent sexual encounter. However, if you are worried, wait five weeks and then take a pregnancy test. If the soreness does not go away or the bleeding becomes heavier, call your doctor.
Just so you know: Women who exclusively breastfeed (do not supplement at all with formula) can actually use this as a method of birth control. LAM (the Lactation Amenorrhea Method) suppresses ovulation and can be used as a birth control method for up to six months after delivery as long as the woman has not had any menstrual periods.
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on can you get pregnat if the sex was less then 30 secounds and the pinis wasnt in all the way and the guy didnt cum??
Yes, pregnancy is possible but unlikely. This is because of pre-seminal fluid or pre-ejaculate. Pre-seminal fluid leaks out of the penis prior to ejaculation. Neither partner usually notices this leakage. Sometimes this fluid contains sperm that is left in the urethra from a previous ejaculation. However, if a man urinates between ejaculations before having sex again, it will help clear the urethra of sperm and decrease the likelihood of pregnancy.
It would be best to use condoms or another method of birth control when engaging in sexual contact. If you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment. We can talk with you about all of your birth control options and help you choose one that is best for you. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on i ahd sex on moday with a condom it didt break. on thursday i see a brown dishacrge, my period is suppose to be coming around this time. can i be pregnant?
Pregnancy is highly unlikely if you used the condom correctly (from start to finish) and as long as it was intact when he withdrew. More than likely, the brown discharge is just the beginning of your period.
However, if you are a week or more late for your period, take a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side. Use first morning urine for the best results. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you have a normal period or a positive test result.
If you are interested in trying a more effective hormonal method and you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment. We can discuss all of your contraceptive options with you and help you choose one that best fits your lifestyle. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on my daughter has missed a couple of pills last moth doubled up on them and did not start her period when she should have this month.does she still take her new start of pills when she is suppose to?
Yes, she should start her new pill pack at the same time. Whenever you forget to take a pill, you should take it as soon as you remember and then take the next pill at the regular time. If you’re about to take a pill and realize that you missed yesterday’s pill, then take both pills at the same time. If you miss two or more pills in a row, take two pills a day until you are caught up and then resume the one pill daily schedule.
If you miss a pill by more than 24 hours, you should use condoms in addition to the pill for the next 7-14 days. Missing pills or taking them late increases the risk of pregnancy and can affect bleeding patterns. That is why her period did not start at the regular time.
If your daughter regularly forgets to take pills, she may want to think about switching to a method that does not require daily use. If she wants to remain on the pill, she needs to take them around the same time every…
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on i got physical with my boyfrien 3months back….though we dint have intercourse but he just happend to touch his penis to my vagina. i got my period the next month but in the following month i dint get my periods inspite of taking the tablet deviry. are there chances of pregnancy?i just wanted to ask because i have heard if you get your periods after intecourse you are certainly not pregnant.
Some women do experience some vaginal bleeding after they become pregnant, but the bleeding is generally not as heavy as a normal period. If there was sperm on your boyfriend’s penis when it touched your vagina, pregnancy is possible, but your risk is extremely low. Take a pregnancy test just to be sure. Use first morning urine for the best results.
If you are going to continue to have sexual contact, please use condoms from start to finish for all sex acts. If you are interested in trying a hormonal method of birth control and you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment. We can discuss your contraceptive options with you and help you choose one that best fits your lifestyle. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.
Menstrual irregularities (including missed periods) can occur for a number of different reasons. Pregnancy is just one possibility. Irregular periods can be caused by hormonal imbalances, perimenopause, illness or infection, use of certain medications, and other more serious conditions. Women who are…
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on I had sex on march 9th then my period came on later that day which last five days. then i had sex on march 24 now im 12 weeks prego which one could be the father?
If your period was a normal period, it is unlikely that the first partner is the biological father. However, ultrasound results may better predict the timing of conception. When you have your first ultrasound, ask your doctor when he thinks you might have conceived. If the ultrasound results cannot accurately predict your conception date, you may need to resort to paternity testing to determine the biological father.
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on I had sex for 10 times with guy has a larger penis than my boyfreind could this make my vagina big that my boyfreind find out?
It is extremely unlikely that your boyfriend would notice a difference. However, it is possible that your new partner may have had a sexually transmitted disease. If he did, you may also be infected. If you are infected, and you have sex with your boyfriend, he could become infected also. It would be best to abstain from sex with your boyfriend until you can determine that you are infection-free.
Many people who have STDs do not have any symptoms. For example, 75% of women infected with chlamydia do not have any symptoms whatsoever. If you live near one of our offices, please call us for a free STD screening visit. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.
Continue reading31. May 2012
Comments Off on I’m on birthcontrole and penecillin for strep throat. We had oral sex and he ejaculated. I made sure to lick all the semen off his penis. We had unprotected sex after and he pulled out. It’s been 6 days and I feel very bloated and I think I may be constipated. My period ended 2 days before we had sex. Could I be pregnant?
Pregnancy is highly unlikely as long as you have been using your birth control as directed. To be extra cautious, we do recommend that our patients use condoms in addition to their regular hormonal method when they are also using antibiotics. The effectiveness of any type of estrogen-containing birth control pill may be impaired during treatment with some types of antibiotics. However, the risk is very slight, and the supportive evidence is primarily limited to anecdotes from case reports and findings from uncontrolled or poorly controlled studies. In fact, according to Contraceptive Technology, 19th Edition, it is not necessary to use a back up method of birth control while on antibiotics because they do not lower the levels of hormones in your blood to the point that you would be at risk for pregnancy. The only exception is the medication, rifampin (which is primarily used to treat tuberculosis).
Since no birth control method is 100% effective, however, pregnancy is always a possibility. Keep using your birth control as directed. If you are a week or more late for your next period, take a…
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4. June 2012
Comments Off on If Ive had genital herpes and I had sex with my girlfriend how easy is it for her to get it?