Yes, pregnancy is definitely possible. Do not have unprotected sex during the first two weeks of your new pill pack, and do not miss any pills or take them late. Since you are restarting the pill, you may have some irregular bleeding during the first few packs. If you don’t have any bleeding during your placebo (sugar) pills, take a pregnancy test. If you miss another period (during the next pack’s sugar pills), repeat the pregnancy test. Do not stop taking your pills unless you test positive for pregnancy.
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on I had unprotected sex 7 days after my period started which would be 4 days after my period ended since it only lasts 3 days. I took the plan b pills 4 days after sex. I know that sperm can live in the vagina 5 days after intercourse. My next period is due March 15. Could I get pregnant if i did all this and am over the age of 35?
Unfortunately, pregnancy is still possible, but you did reduce your risk by taking Plan B. Plan B works best when it is used within 24 hours of the unprotected sex, but it can have some preventive effects when taken up to five days after. Also, since the sexual intercourse occurred just after your period, pregnancy is unlikely since you probably have not ovulated yet.
The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. If you miss your next period by a week or more, take a test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you either have a normal period or a positive test result.
Plan B should not be used as a regular method of birth control as it is less effective than other methods. If you are going to continue to have sexual intercourse, you may want to think about using a regular form of birth control.
If you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment. We serve women of all ages and incomes….
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on My period started on the 17/02/2012 & ended on the 21/02/2012 ive been having unprotected sex with my husband since then,could i be pregnant?
Any time you have unprotected sex, pregnancy is possible. Pregnancy is most likely to occur when sex occurs around the time of ovulation. If you have regular menstrual cycles that last about 28 days each, you are most likely to ovulate (release an egg) on day 14 (with day 1 being the first day of your last period). If this is the case, and you began your period on February 17th, you will most likely ovulate on or near March 2nd. Every woman is unique though.
If you are interested in determining your fertile period, contact a medical provider (OB/GYNs and Family Planning/Planned Parenthood providers will probably have more information than general practitioners). Fertility awareness or natural family planning combines several natural methods (calendar/rhythm, basal body temperature, cervical mucus) that help you determine the days of the month you are most likely to get pregnant.
The only way to know if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. The best time to take a test is one week or more after a missed period.
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on I’ve been on birth control pills for proabably about 1 year and a half and have taken it on time everyday except for a couple times it was about 40 minutes past the regular time. My boyfriend and I use condoms as well the majority of the time. I had my period on time exactly (3rd placebo) this month. Lately I’ve been feeling a lot of stomach pain and nausea…and this week my breasts started feeling heavy and full…they don’t hurt though. I’ve been very stressed out lately (not sure if that makes a difference)…is it possible I could be pregnant? Or what else could it be?
Unfortunately, birth control pills are not 100% effective even if you are using them perfectly so pregnancy is possible. However, your symptoms may be related to your increased stress level or some type of illness. Since you have been taking your pills so carefully and using condoms as well, pregnancy is extremely unlikely. Keep taking your pills as directed. If you skip your next period, take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you either have a normal period or a positive test result. Do not stop taking your birth control pills unless you test positive for pregnancy. Good luck!
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on Im on the pill but forgot to take it the last two weeks ive had some bleeding the last month and two weeks ago me and my Bf had unprotected sex and he didnt pull out… i havent had anymore bleeding since Am i pregnant?
Yes, pregnancy is definitely possible. If you miss your next period by one week or more, take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you have a normal period or a positive test result.
Stopping the pill mid-cycle is very likely to cause irregular bleeding which you may have experienced last month. If you are not ready to be pregnant, please do not have any more unprotected intercourse. Either abstain or use condoms until you determine whether or not you are pregnant. If you do get a period, please contact the provider who prescribed your pill to discuss how to restart your pill or switch to another method that might better suit your needs and lifestyle.
If you are planning a pregnancy, most experts advise women on the birth control pill to wait at least three months after stopping the pill to attempt pregnancy. Although the hormones are very quickly passed from your system, this time period will allow you to resume regular menstrual cycles so a pregnancy can be dated. This also allows the uterine…
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on so me and my boyfriend had sex today and we used a condom and i am on birth control and he dosnt know if he cam in me or pullled out right before so now im scared i could be pregnant…could i?
Pregnancy is highly unlikely because:
1) He used a condom. As long as their was no penis-vagina contact without a condom and as long as the condom was intact and did not break or slip off inside of you, sperm could not have entered the vagina to cause a pregnancy.
2) You are on birth control. Though it’s not clear what type of birth control you are using, use of any birth control greatly reduces your risk of pregnancy. When used perfectly, hormonal methods (the pill, the shot, the patch, the ring, the implant, and the Mirena IUD) are 99% or more effective. As long as you are using your method correctly, pregnancy is unlikely (even if the condom broke and he ejaculated inside of the vagina).
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on My husband and I Had sex three times a month after we had our baby, we had unprotected sex all times but he did pull out, what are my chances of being pregnant and is there something the doctor or you could give me to prevent me from getting pregnant again?
Withdrawal or the pull out method is not considered a reliable method of birth control. However, it is more effective when it is done correctly. Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, four will become pregnant each year if the method is done perfectly. Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 27 will become pregnant if withdrawal is not always performed correctly.
Couples who have great self-control, experience, and trust tend to use the pull out method more effectively. The male partner must be able to know exactly when ejaculation is coming and must be able to pull out before any semen is deposited in the vagina.
However, even if a man pulls out in time, pregnancy is still possible because of pre-seminal fluid (also called pre-ejaculate). Pre-seminal fluid leaks out of the penis prior to ejaculation. Sometimes this fluid contains sperm that is left in the urethra from a previous ejaculation. If a man urinates between ejaculations before having sex again, it will help clear the urethra of sperm and may increase the effectiveness of withdrawal.
You have many contraceptive options…
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on My girlfriend is on the 28 day cycle birth control pill. We’ve had sex a few times but I never finished inside her. She started the sugar pills today but not her period. When might she get her period?
Women on the pill can expect their period at any time during the sugar pills. However, most will get their period on the second, third or fourth sugar pill. Her periods should be lighter and of shorter duration now that she is on the pill.
However, if she just started the pill, she may have some menstrual irregularities. During the first few months of pill use, she may miss a period or have some spotting or bleeding between periods. This is perfectly normal as her body adjusts to the new hormone levels. If she misses two periods in a row, she should take a pregnancy test.
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on Q. Me and my boyfriend had sex 21st of February and he nutted inside of me but the next couple of hours i went to the nearest drug store and got a plan b pill but didnt take the pill until the next day. Do that mean im pregnant or just over reacting
Your timely use of the Plan B pill decreases your risk of pregnancy. The sooner you use it after unprotected sex, the more likely it is to prevent pregnancy. I am wondering why you waited until the next day to tak it though. According to the manufacturer, if Plan B is taken within 72 hours of the unprotected sex, it prevents seven of eight pregnancies that otherwise would have occurred. Unfortunately, it is not 100% effective, and pregnancy is still possible.
If you miss your next period by one week or more, take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you either have a normal period or a positive test result.
Plan B should not be used as a regular method of birth control as it is less effective than other methods. If you are going to continue to have sexual intercourse, you may want to think about using a regular form of birth control. If you live near our service area, please contact one of our offices for an appointment. We can talk with you about all of your…
Continue reading29. February 2012
Comments Off on me an my hubby had sex the night before i got my period n the condom broke an i found part of it the day i got my period on my pad could i be pregnant
If you currently have your period and your period is normal, pregnancy is highly unlikely. Certainly, if you miss your next period, take a pregnancy test.
The most common reason for condom breakage is incorrect use. Condoms are highly effective when they are used correctly and consistently. Here are some tips for correct condom use.
Always check the expiration date to be sure it is not expired prior to use.
Condoms should be stored at room temperature in a sharps free environment.
Never use an oil-based lubricant with a latex condom. If you need additional lubricant, use a water-based type like KY Jelly or Astroglide.
Pinch the tip of the condom between the thumb and forefinger while rolling it onto the erect penis to ensure that there is no air pocket in the tip of the condom.
Smooth out the sides of the condom once it has been rolled on to ensure there are no air pockets in the sides of the condom.
Hold onto the rim or base of the condom while removing the penis from the vagina to prevent it from slipping off inside the vagina during removal.
29. February 2012
Comments Off on I was off the pill for 2 weeks. 1 week was my period and the other no reason. I had unprotected sex on the end of the two weeks and started a new pill pack the next day. Is it possible instill get pregnat?