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can you take plan b after the 3rd day and would it still be somewhat affective?

20. March 2012

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Yes. Research has shown that Plan B can still be effective even when taken as long as 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse. However, it continues to be most effective when taken within 24 hours after unprotected sex.

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i dont know if im pregnant or not because i used some of my brothers lube on a dildo and im scaird if it still has some sperm in it can you just reasure me that im not pregnant

20. March 2012

Comments Off on i dont know if im pregnant or not because i used some of my brothers lube on a dildo and im scaird if it still has some sperm in it can you just reasure me that im not pregnant

You would not become pregnant in this way.

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i took. my first plan B pill yesterday at 5pm and your suppose to take a second one 12 hrs later but i didnt wake up at 5am to take the other so it was longer than 12hrs apart. Will it still work ?

20. March 2012

Comments Off on i took. my first plan B pill yesterday at 5pm and your suppose to take a second one 12 hrs later but i didnt wake up at 5am to take the other so it was longer than 12hrs apart. Will it still work ?

Taking the emergency contraception incorrectly will decrease the effectiveness of it. If you are within 5 days of the unprotected intercourse, you may want to consider taking the Plan B again.

In the past, Plan B was given in two doses, twelve hours apart. The problem with this dosing was that many women forgot to take the second pill on time. Therefore, the ECP’s did not work. The most recent dosing recommendation for ECP’s is to take it as a one time dose . So, depending on the manufacturer’s packaging, you may be taking either a one time dose of one pill or a one time dose of two pills. Both ways deliver the same amount of progesterone into your  system and are just as effective. Additionally, the recent dosing regimen is probably more effective because it decreases the human error factor.

After taking Plan B, you may experience some irregular bleeding or spotting. Your next period may come earlier or later than usual. If you do not have a period within 3 weeks, do a pregnancy test.

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I had protected sex with my boyfriend. the condom broke and within 10 minutes i took plan b. its ike 4 weeks later and my period hasent came. i tooka pregnancy test. its negative. what happen to my period? im very normalwhen it comes to my period. and ive tooken plan b before and it never backed up my period. help?

20. March 2012

Comments Off on I had protected sex with my boyfriend. the condom broke and within 10 minutes i took plan b. its ike 4 weeks later and my period hasent came. i tooka pregnancy test. its negative. what happen to my period? im very normalwhen it comes to my period. and ive tooken plan b before and it never backed up my period. help?

While Plan B is about 75% to 80% effective at preventing pregnancy, there are those times that it does fail. However, because Plan B delivers a dose of the hormone progesterone into your body, it can alter your period. Your next period could come earlier or later than usual.

It is possible that your first pregnancy test was performed too early. Wait another 1 to 2 weeks. If your period still has not begun, repeat the pregnancy test. If it continues to be negative, then you are not pregnant. If you continue to have absent periods over an extended period of time, follow up with your doctor or clinic.

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I have been on the pill for about 2 months and will be starting my third pack in literally a week from now. my boyfriend and i had sex 3 times this weekend and two of those times were unprotected for about 2 minuutes then we used a condom. I havent missed my pill ever since ive started taken them but sometimes take them maybe an hour or 2 late than usual if i’m not directly on time. i take them everyday at 10 but sometimes miss my alarm and take them at 11. is this okay? he didnt ejaculate inside me but im not sure about precum for the 2 minutes he was unprotected. he finished all times in a condom. we checked all of them and neither of em were broken. any chance of pregnancy?

20. March 2012

Comments Off on I have been on the pill for about 2 months and will be starting my third pack in literally a week from now. my boyfriend and i had sex 3 times this weekend and two of those times were unprotected for about 2 minuutes then we used a condom. I havent missed my pill ever since ive started taken them but sometimes take them maybe an hour or 2 late than usual if i’m not directly on time. i take them everyday at 10 but sometimes miss my alarm and take them at 11. is this okay? he didnt ejaculate inside me but im not sure about precum for the 2 minutes he was unprotected. he finished all times in a condom. we checked all of them and neither of em were broken. any chance of pregnancy?

If you are taking your birth control pills correctly & consistently, then you are protected from pregnancy. While it is preferable to take your pills at the same time every day, taking them an hour or two earlier or later than usual will not decrease their effectiveness.

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i’ve been on othro evra patch for some weeks now. every week you are suppose to change it. i took it off but i forgot to put it back on. me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and he came in. I put my patch bac tto see if it may lower the chance of me becoming pregnant. Any advice as to what can happen?

20. March 2012

Comments Off on i’ve been on othro evra patch for some weeks now. every week you are suppose to change it. i took it off but i forgot to put it back on. me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex and he came in. I put my patch bac tto see if it may lower the chance of me becoming pregnant. Any advice as to what can happen?

If you did not reapply your patch as scheduled, then you were not protected from pregnancy. The patch is only delivering hormones into your system while you are wearing it. It does not provide any extended protection.

You were correct in applying your patch as soon as you remembered it. Continue to do your patch changes every week. If your next period is more than 1 week late, do a pregnancy test.

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I am going to see my boyfriend in a few days. we are sexually active but ive never been on any type of birth control. I am interested in the Plan B pill. How many times can i use it? I am going to be there the whole weekend so im sure things are going to happen. Please help me out

20. March 2012

Comments Off on I am going to see my boyfriend in a few days. we are sexually active but ive never been on any type of birth control. I am interested in the Plan B pill. How many times can i use it? I am going to be there the whole weekend so im sure things are going to happen. Please help me out

Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. The more often you have unprotected intercourse, the more likely it is that you will become pregnant.

Plan B is an emergency contraceptive. When taken within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse, it is about 75% effective at preventing pregnancy.  Plan B contains a dose of hormones that helps prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation. It is “good for” one sexual encounter. It is not a long term method of birth control and does not offer any extended protection. Additionally, because it delays ovulation, frequent use of Plan B may actually increase your chance of pregnancy.

If you and your partner are not planning a pregnancy, consider using condoms. If your partner is not open to using condoms, then Plan B is your option. You may want to consider beginning a long term method of birth control like the birth control pills or DepoProvera injection.

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Me and my boyfriend had a very short intercourse and I got ripped. It only lasted for like about 4-5minutes and he didnt ejaculate or anything. What is the possibility of me getting pregnant?

20. March 2012

Comments Off on Me and my boyfriend had a very short intercourse and I got ripped. It only lasted for like about 4-5minutes and he didnt ejaculate or anything. What is the possibility of me getting pregnant?

Even if ejaculation does not occur, pregnancy is still possible because pre-seminal fluid (also called pre-ejaculate) can leak out of the penis during intercourse. Sometimes this fluid contains sperm that is left in the urethra from a previous ejaculation.

If it has been less than five days since the incident, you may want to take Plan B to reduce your risk.

Plan B One-step is a pill you can take after unprotected sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy. It works best if it is used within the first 24 hours after sex but can be used up to 120 hours (or five days) after  unprotected sex with decreased effects after the first three days.  The sooner you use Plan B, the more effective it is.

Plan B works by delaying ovulation (the monthly release of an egg), and possibly by interfering with fertilization (the union of sperm and egg) and implantation (when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining. If you are already pregnant, it will not terminate the pregnancy. According to the manufacturer, the treatment prevents seven of eight pregnancies that otherwise would have occurred.

If you are…

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I stopped taking the pill 2 days before i had unprotected sex. The next day I started withdrawal bleeding and this was around the time Im supposed to ovulate. I bleed for a week. Im wondering if I could have ovulated and can even up pregnant even tho i had withdrawal bleeding

20. March 2012

Comments Off on I stopped taking the pill 2 days before i had unprotected sex. The next day I started withdrawal bleeding and this was around the time Im supposed to ovulate. I bleed for a week. Im wondering if I could have ovulated and can even up pregnant even tho i had withdrawal bleeding

If your bleeding lasted an entire week and it was heavier than or the same as a normal period, pregnancy is highly unlikely. However, if you are a week or more late for your next period, take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

If you are planning a pregnancy, most experts advise women on the birth control pill to wait at least three months after stopping the pill to attempt pregnancy.  Although the hormones are very quickly passed from your system, this time period will allow you to resume regular menstrual cycles so a pregnancy can be dated.  This also allows the uterine lining to thicken and provide a better site for the placenta to implant and grow.

If you are not planning a pregnancy, please do not continue to have unprotected sex. Either abstain from sexual intercourse or use another method of birth control. Please contact the provider who prescribed your pill. They can talk with you about your contraceptive options and help you choose one that will better fit your lifestyle. If you are unhappy with your current provider and you…

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I think I might be pregnant but I don’t start my placebo pills for another week. Could I start them a week early to determine if I’m going to miss my period?

20. March 2012

Comments Off on I think I might be pregnant but I don’t start my placebo pills for another week. Could I start them a week early to determine if I’m going to miss my period?

No, keep taking your pills as directed in the order that they appear in your pack. If you have been taking your pills around the same time every day, pregnancy is unlikely. If you don’t have any bleeding during your placebo pills, then take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you have a normal period or a positive test result. Do not stop taking your pills unless you test positive for pregnancy.

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