No. Plan B is to help prevent a pregnancy. It is to be taken within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse. It helps prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation. Plan B does NOT cause a termination, nor does it harm an existing pregnancy.
If you are seeking a termination, you would need to call a local clinic. Clinics closest to our area are in Harrisburg or Allentown. If you plan to continue the pregnancy, contact an ob/gyn doctor to schedule an appointment for prenatal care. If you do not want to terminate but are not ready to be a parent, consider adoption. Please call one of our offices for more information about options.
Continue reading26. March 2012
Comments Off on can i get pregnant if im not on birth control and he canr inside but it lrakrd out?
Yes. By time you flush out the semen, sperm have already started their journey up into the uterus.
Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy.
Continue reading26. March 2012
Comments Off on If the alleged biological father performs oral sex on a different woman before a swab paternity test, will it affect the test results?
No, it will not affect paternity testing. Most paternity tests are done on the blood of the child after the child is born. Depending on the lab and the state you live in, testing will vary.
Testing can be done on the infant through blood draw, cheek swab or cord blood obtained at birth.
Prior to the birth, an aminiocentesis or chronic villi sampling can establish paternity. However, it is unlikely that these invasive tests would be done unless there is a problem with the pregnancy.
For more information, you may want to contact your state’s website on paternity or contact an attorney who deals with this type of law.
Continue reading22. March 2012
Comments Off on I had unprotected sex five days ago, and on the fifth day my menstrual came on…im cramping but menstrual is is dark and only fistful of blood am i pregnant?
Pregnancy is a possibility since you had unprotected sex, but the type of bleeding that you experienced is not typical of women who are in the very early stages of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding can occur anywhere from 6-12 days after possible conception, but not every one has implantation bleeding. When they do, it generally consists of light pink or brown spotting that lasts a few hours or a few days.
If your period only lasted one day and was very light, wait a few weeks and then take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you miss your next period by a week or more, repeat the pregnancy test. In the meantime, if you re not planning a pregnancy, do not continue to have unprotected sex. Either abstain from sex or use condoms from start to finish for each sex act.
Continue reading22. March 2012
Comments Off on Am 4weeks pregnant, and not ready to have a baby. what can I take or do.?
If you are already pregnant, the morning after pill will not work for you. There is such a thing as a medical abortion, however. A medical abortion is a non-surgical procedure that uses various medications to end an established pregnancy. It can be performed in a doctor’s office or at home.
The decision to have an abortion is not an easy one. Many important factors need to be taken into consideration…your health, your emotional and financial situation, your religious convictions, your personal beliefs, just to name a few. Only you can decide what is best in your case. Furthermore, a decision must be reached rather quickly. If you intend to continue your pregnancy, you ought to see a health care provider as soon as possible for prenatal care. If you decide to terminate your pregnancy, you ought to do so as early as possible in your pregnancy. Early abortion procedures are medically safer than are later procedures. Before terminating your pregnancy, you must explore your feelings to be sure that it is the right decision for you. If you are confused,…
Continue reading22. March 2012
Comments Off on I had unprotected sex during ovulation, got my period a week early and it seemed to be normal at first but after the first day it became very light for what I’m used to. Could that be a sign that I’m pregnant? my periods are always very heavy for a week straight but it was not super heavy the first day, just moderately heavy and now after day 3 it’s almost gone.
If you had a moderately heavy flow on the first day of your period, pregnancy is unlikely. You may find that your period starts up again. However, if it doesn’t and you miss your next period, take a pregnancy test just in case.
If you are not planning a pregnancy, please don’t continue to have unprotected sex. Either abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms from start to finish for each sex act. If you are interested in starting a hormonal method of birth control and you live near one of our offices, please give us a call for an appointment. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.
If you are planning a pregnancy, here are some steps you can take to help ensure a positive pregnancy outcome:
Schedule a pre-pregnancy appointment with your doctor. Let your doctor know you are planning a pregnancy. Your doctor will review your family health history, be sure you have the proper immunizations, review your medications, schedule any needed tests, and discuss your present health behaviors/lifestyle and recommend changes.
22. March 2012
Comments Off on My hubby and i have been use a condom ever since i had my mirena taken out, but last night we had got done having sex and went out side to smoke. we got in the mood again and he put it in for 3 sec and then we freaked out and he pulled out and I ran in and showered and 3 times today. could i get pregnant from any cum that was left on him ? or are we freaking out over nothing?
Pregnancy is possible but unlikely. If you are a week or more late for your next period, take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you have a normal period or a positive test result.
You may want to talk with your medical provider about other contraceptive options that may be available to you.
Continue reading22. March 2012
Comments Off on I had unprotected sex (the only person I had sex with from the last time I was tested) on the Feb 19th and got tested on the 29th. On March 2, my health care provider told me I tested positive for chlamydia and I was treated that day. Three days later I started my period and used tampons. On that day I rubbed on myself with my sweat pants on, played with myself while my tampon was in. After I was done I pulled the old tampon out and got a clean one. Will I re-infect myself from all of this?
No, you cannot reinfect yourself.
Continue reading22. March 2012
Comments Off on i had an unprotected sex during my ovulation period but dont want to get pregnant. need help
Hopefully, you took the morning after pill after the unprotected sex. Plan B One-Step is a pill you can take up to five days after unprotected sex to reduce your risk of pregnancy. The sooner you take it after sex, the more effective it is.
Plan B works by delaying ovulation (the monthly release of an egg), and possibly by interfering with fertilization (the union of sperm and egg) and implantation (when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining. If you are already pregnant, it will not terminate the pregnancy. According to the manufacturer, the treatment prevents seven of eight pregnancies that otherwise would have occurred.
If you are 17 or older, you can purchase Plan B at most drug stores without a prescription. You will need to ask the pharmacist for Plan B as it is located behind the counter. You may also need to show ID to prove your age. Plan B is around $50. If you are under 17, you need a prescription from a doctor. You can also get Plan B from a Family Planning or Planned…
Continue reading22. March 2012
Comments Off on I was on the pill for five days then had unprotected sex, could I be pregnant?
If you started the pill during your period, pregnancy is unlikely. However, if you started the pill mid-cycle, pregnancy is possible. You should either abstain from sexual intercourse or use a back-up method (like condoms) for the first seven days of your first pill pack.
Since you just started the pill, you may experience some menstrual irregularities including a missed period or spotting/bleeding in between periods. You can also expect your periods to be lighter and shorter than they normally are. If you don’t have any bleeding during your placebo pills (the last week of your pills), take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, keep taking your pills in your next pack. Please be sure to take your pills at the same time everyday. If you skip another period, take another pregnancy test. Do not stop taking your pills unless you test positive for pregnancy.
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26. March 2012
Comments Off on If I had unprotected sex one week before my missed period and I took a test and it came back positive that I was pregnant could i take the plan B pill?