If the intercourse was forceful or rough, the burning sensation may just be a result of the intercourse. Yeast infections also can cause itching and burning in the vaginal and vulvar areas. If the burning sensation does not go away and/or if you develop additional symptoms of a vaginal infection (discharge, itching, redness, etc.), contact a medical provider for an infection check.
Continue reading19. April 2012
Comments Off on had sex march 24th we used a condom nd he didn’t bust but it felt like it was slipping off, i started my period the next day.could i be pregnant it is April 18.
If your period was normal, it is extremely unlikely that you are pregnant. Continue to use condoms from start to finish with each act of intercourse to reduce your risk of pregnancy.
Condoms work best when they are used correctly and consistently. Here are some tips for correct condom use.
Always check the expiration date to be sure it is not expired prior to use.
Condoms should be stored at room temperature in a sharps free environment.
Never use an oil-based lubricant with a latex condom. If you need additional lubricant, use a water-based type like KY Jelly or Astroglide.
Pinch the tip of the condom between the thumb and forefinger while rolling it onto the erect penis to ensure that there is no air pocket in the tip of the condom.
Smooth out the sides of the condom once it has been rolled on to ensure there are no air pockets in the sides of the condom.
Hold onto the rim or base of the condom while removing the penis from the vagina to prevent it from slipping off inside the vagina during removal.
Do not have any penis-vagina contact…
19. April 2012
Comments Off on im 4 weeks pragnent and slept with another guy whos not pragnented me,is there any kind of sickness there?
If the person you slept with has a sexually transmitted infection and you were infected, it could be very harmful to the fetus. Many infections have no signs or symptoms so there is no way you can be sure that your recent partner had no diseases. Contact the medical provider who is taking care of your pregnancy and let him/her know that you may have been exposed to sexually transmitted infection. He or she will want to know the date of the intercourse so they can test you for any infections at the appropriate time/s. If you have not chosen a medical provider yet, please do so immediately and make your first appointment as soon as possible.
Continue reading12. April 2012
Comments Off on if a guy cums on your belly and it turns watery and rols down in your …… can u be pragnent?????? im 16
Pregnancy is possible but unlikely in this case. However, you can reduce your risk of pregnancy by taking the morning after pill (as long as the incident occurred within the past 120 hours).
Plan B One-step is a pill you can take after unprotected sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy. It works best if it is used within the first 24 hours after sex but can be used up to 120 hours (or five days) after unprotected sex with decreased effects after the first three days. The sooner you use Plan B, the more effective it is.
Plan B works by delaying ovulation (the monthly release of an egg), and possibly by interfering with fertilization (the union of sperm and egg) and implantation (when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining. If you are already pregnant, it will not terminate the pregnancy. According to the manufacturer, the treatment prevents seven of eight pregnancies that otherwise would have occurred.
Since you are under 17, you will need a prescription from a doctor to get Plan B at a pharmacy. You may want to ask one of your parents to purchase it for you…
Continue reading12. April 2012
Comments Off on I lost my virginity exactly two weeks ago. I am on the Depo shot for my birth control method which I have been on for over a month. We had sex without a condom that night. And now I’m still having light bleeding/brownish discharge (seen when I wipe). Is this normal?
Yes, that is normal. Menstrual irregularities (including missed periods, irregular bleeding, frequent light bleeding, and brown/pink spotting) are very common during the first six months of Depo use. Your bleeding may have nothing to do with the fact that you experienced your first intercourse. When you return to your medical provider for your second Depo shot, be sure to report the fact that you are now sexually active and that you experienced spotting for two weeks afterward. They may want to check you for any possible infections just to be on the safe side. In the meantime, if you experience any additional symptoms of vaginal infection (itching, irritation, burning, foul odor), contact your medical provider right away.
Continue reading12. April 2012
Comments Off on I was diagnosed with trich 3 months ago and I took the medication and abstained from sex for a month but now I have been bleeding for two Weeks after my period could trich be the cause?
It is common for some women with trich to experience vaginal bleeding after intercourse due to cervical irritation. However, prolonged vaginal bleeding three months after a trich diagnosis is not typical. Please contact the medical professional who diagnosed your trich and explain your symptoms. They will probably want to see you to perform another evaluation and/or run some tests. Since they know your medical history, they can best advise you.
Continue reading12. April 2012
Comments Off on Me nd my boyfriend just had unprotected sex and I came alot while having sex he ejaculated in me … What are the chances of me being pregnant?
Anytime you have unprotected sex, there is a risk of pregnancy. Having intercourse mid-cycle (approximately one week after your period or two weeks before your next one) increases the risk of pregnancy. Also, the more times you have unprotected sex, the greater your risk.
You can reduce your risk of pregnancy by taking the morning after pill. Plan B One-step is a pill you can take after unprotected sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy. It works best if it is used within the first 24 hours after sex but can be used up to 120 hours (or five days) after unprotected sex with decreased effects after the first three days. The sooner you use Plan B, the more effective it is.
Plan B works by delaying ovulation (the monthly release of an egg), and possibly by interfering with fertilization (the union of sperm and egg) and implantation (when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining). If you are already pregnant, it will not terminate the pregnancy. According to the manufacturer, the treatment prevents seven of eight pregnancies that otherwise would have occurred.
If you are 17 or older, you…
Continue reading12. April 2012
Comments Off on Hi I am 17 years old, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and it was my first time. We had sex for about 30 seconds and I had to ask him to stop because it really hurt. 5 days after we had unprotected sex I have been experiencing soreness and itchiness in my vagina I am really worried about it and I dont know what to do. Could it be an STD or an infection. Please help me I am really scared.
You really should be seen by a medical provider for an infection check. If you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment. Your visit will be free and confidential. We can also talk with you about your contraceptive options. If you live outside of our service area, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you for an appointment.
The vaginal irritation you are experiencing could be a sexually transmitted infection, but it might also be a simple yeast infection. The only way to know for sure is to be evaluated by medical professional. If you decide to have sex again, please use a condom to reduce your risk of infection and pregnancy.
Continue reading11. April 2012
Comments Off on i stopped taking my birth control four days before the placebo pills and missed one plecbo pill. then stayed the night at my boyfriends gouse for two night and we had unprotecred sex a number of times. ots been about a week and a half and i missed my period. had light spotting. my taste in everything is changing. im hotter than normal. my boobs are a little tender. im naseous. and get mild cramping. amd im breaking out in weird red spots and bruise easier. should i be worried?
Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. If your period is more than 1 week late, do a pregnancy test.
Continue reading11. April 2012
Comments Off on Hey, I need help. My menstrual cycle went off on March 25, 2012 and i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on March 26, 2012. I went to go shower and i peed first and when i wiped it was brownish color stuff on the tissue. Yesterday March 28, 2012 i peed and i had a fishy odor and a light brown discharge. I was trying to see if this is a sign of STD, infection or pregnancy. Please help me!!!
If you are having a fishy odor, that may be a sign of a vaginal infection. Contact your doctor or clinic to schedule an appointment for an infection check.
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19. April 2012
Comments Off on My boyfriend ejaculated inside me and after I cleaned myself up and layed down it started burnin. What does this mean?