When used perfectly, the pill is 99% effective. Taking a pill late just slightly increases your risk of pregnancy. We only recommend an emergency contraceptive (Plan B) when you are 24 hours or more late for your next pill. Just remember to take the rest of your pills on time.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on So I’ve been on the shot for about a month and a few days and last night my boyfriend and I had sex and he came inside me? Is there a chance that I could get pregnant and if so do I need to get an emergency contraceptive?
The shot is sufficient protection against pregnancy, and emergency contraception is not needed. The shot works by preventing ovulation (the monthly release of an egg) so it doesn’t matter if your partner ejaculates inside of the vagina. If there is no egg for the sperm to unite with, you cannot become pregnant. By itself, the shot is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. Unfortunately, no birth control method is 100% effective so there is still a slight risk of pregnancy, but Depo is one of the most effective methods.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on I had sex on march 9th later that day my period came on which last for 5 days. then two weeks later i had sex on march 24 @ 5am which one could be the fater the first one or the second one?
It is more likely that your second sexual partner is the biological father since you had a normal period after the first partner. The beginning of your pregnancy is always marked by the first day of your last menstrual period. However, during one or more of your prenatal visits, they will perform an ultrasound. The ultrasound will give you a much more accurate idea of when the pregnancy occurred.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on I want to take birth control, but took plan b just to be safe. And now I am spotting. Should I now start the birth control. Or wait until I get my period
Contact the medical professional who prescribed your birth control for their recommendation.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex a few times in one day. Then the next day I started my period. Am i still at risk of pregnancy? Should I consider Plan B?
If your period is normal, Plan B is not necessary.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on I’ve been on birth control for over a year and a half now. Ususally my periods last about 4 days and are moderately heavy. However my last “period” only lasted 2 days and was super super light. what’s up with that?
Every now and then, women may experience a lighter than usual period – even those who have been using a hormonal birth control method for an extended period of time. Common reasons for menstrual irregularities include stress, change in diet or exercise, a recent illness, or recent medication use. If your period continues to be lighter and you are concerned, contact the medical provider who prescribed your birth control method for an appointment.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on Ive been on birth control for a while now and this month my period just ended and i took the first pill for this month. About two hours later i had unprotected sex and he came in me. can i get pregnant?
As long as you didn’t miss any pills in the previous pack and as long as there was no gap between your pill packs (meaning you took your last sugar pill and then the next day at the same time you took your first active pill in the new pack), you are protected by the pill. When used perfectly, the pill is 99% effective.
You remain protected by the pill as long as you are taking a pill every single day (regardless of whether it is a hormone pill or a sugar pill). During the active pills in your pack (the first three weeks), hormones build up in your body to last you through the seven days of your sugar pills so you are even protected during your period week. Just don’t forget to start a new pack the very next day after you’ve finished your sugar pills.
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on this is my first month on birth control, I am almost done with the third week. I have been taking them on time everyday, my guy and I always use condoms. We plan on taking a trip this week, would I be protected from pregnancy if we have sex with out a condom? We do not want children at the moment, what are my chances of getting pregnant while being on birth control? The day of the trip I will start the brown pills, whcih is the week im suppose to start my period.
As long as you have been taking your pills around the same time every day, it should be safe for you to have sex without a condom. When the pill is used perfectly, it is 99% effective. Unfortunately, no birth control method is 100% effective so there is still a slight risk of pregnancy. However, most women who are using the birth control pill have sex without using a condom.
Missing pills or taking them more than 3 hours late can increase your risk of pregnancy. Just be sure to take your pills on time and be sure to start a new pack of pills the day after you finish your sugar pills (the fourth week of pills when you get your period).
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on I had a lot of discharge and the occasional itch around my vagina. I’ve had a yeast infection before and assumed it was just that. After my three-day monistat and period (which I got in the middle of the medication) I assumed it had gone away. My boyfriend and I were then fooling around and he went down on me. However, today it seems to me that I still may have a yeast infection. Would it have tasted really badly down there if it seems to be just a light yeast infection?
Probably not. Sometimes receiving oral sex can actually cause a yeast infection in women. Also, it’s possible that you still had the yeast infection when you had oral sex. We recommend a seven day treatment rather than a three day treatment. The infection is more likely to go away for good and less likely to recur.
Unfortunately, if you did have a yeast infection when the oral sex took place, it is possible that you may have transmitted the infection to your partner. A yeast infection in the mouth is known as oral candida or thrush. If your partner notices white patchy areas or lesions in the mouth or on the tongue or an irritated or itchy feeling in the mouth, he may want to visit a medical practitioner for diagnosis and treatment. If thrush is diagnosed, treatment typically includes an antifungal medication and salt water rinses.
If your itching and irritation does not go away after a seven day treatment, you should also be seen by a medical professional. It may not be yeast at all – in which case, you will need to be screened…
Continue reading23. April 2012
Comments Off on i finished my period about a week now i had sexual intercourse yesterday today im bleeding is it possible that i could fall pregnant?
Yes, pregnancy is possible whenever you have unprotected sex. You may want to use the morning after pill to reduce your risk of pregnancy.
Plan B One-step is a pill you can take after unprotected sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy. It works best if it is used within the first 24 hours after sex but can be used up to 120 hours (or five days) after unprotected sex with decreased effects after the first three days. The sooner you use Plan B, the more effective it is.
Plan B works by delaying ovulation (the monthly release of an egg), and possibly by interfering with fertilization (the union of sperm and egg) and implantation (when the fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine lining). If you are already pregnant, it will not terminate the pregnancy. According to the manufacturer, the treatment prevents seven of eight pregnancies that otherwise would have occurred.
If you are 17 or older, you can purchase Plan B at most drug stores without a prescription. You will need to ask the pharmacist for Plan B as it is located behind the counter. You may also…
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23. April 2012
Comments Off on I am on a combined pill(lo loestrin fe) and last night, had unprotected sex. Usually i take my pill around 6:30 am, but forgot and took at 4:30 p.m .. I have not mssed any pills before..so what s the chance of me becoming pregnant? Should i use plan b?