As long as there was no gap of time between your old birth control pill and your new one, and as long as you didn’t miss any pills by more than 24 hours, pregnancy is highly unlikely. More than likely, your symptoms are being caused by the change in hormones. The only way to know for sure, however, is to take a pregnancy test. Contact the provider who prescribed your new pill and report your symptoms. They can help you manage your side effects, and if necessary, may want to change your pill. It is especially important to report any of the following warning signs (symptoms that could mean you are experiencing a more serious problem):
- Abdominal pain (severe)
- Chest Pain (severe), cough, shortness of breath
- Headache (severe) with blurred vision, weakness, difficulty speaking
- Eye problems-vision loss or blurring
- Leg Pain (severe)
If you have anyof the above symptoms, it may or may not be related to the pill. However, it is necessary to report them to your provider.
30. May 2012