With implants, it is best to error on the side of caution and assume that the Implanon is no longer active past its due date. Yes, theoretically, it could be active past the due date, however, it is unknown whether there is enough active ingredient left to maintain a therapeutic level in your bloodstream.
Another factor is your body. After having the Implanon for the past 3 years, your body has been in a hypoestrogenic (low estrogen) state. It can take weeks to months for your body to return to its own normal state of estrogen-progesterone balance. It is unlikely (but not impossible) that you would ovulate right away.
In the meantime, do not have unprotected intercourse. Abstain from sex or use condoms. If an “oops” happens, remember that you can purchase emergency contraceptives (Plan B) over the counter at many pharmacies. When taken within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse, ECPs are about 75% effective at preventing pregnancy.
Call your doctor or clinic to schedule removal of your implant. If you wish to continue birth control, review the different methods and think about which one would fit into your lifestyle at this time. Write down any questions and take these to your next doctor’s visit.
14. May 2012