I had brown discharge starting about a week before i was suppose to have my period, (the last two days having a very small amount of blood along with the brown) it has stopped for a few days now, and soon as it did i began cramping off and on. My period is about ten days late. I almost always have protected sex, but about three weeks ago, or a little less, my boyfriend did the pull out method; i’ve taken two pregnancy test the day of, and three days after my missed period. I’ve read brown discharge could either be old blood from a tear, early signs of pregnancy, or something along the lines of my menstrual blood staying in there too long and therefore turning brown. So, my question would be how do i know for sure exactly what it is going on with me?

24. April 2012


Wait two more weeks and then repeat the pregnancy test. Menstrual irregularities (including missed periods) can occur for a number of different reasons. Pregnancy is just one possibility.  Irregular periods can be caused by hormonal imbalances, perimenopause, illness or infection, use of certain medications, and other more serious conditions.  Women who are dieting or exercising excessively may also skip periods. In addition, increased stress levels and changes in routine may affect the regularity of menstrual cycles.  If you skip more than one period and you are not using a progestin-only method of birth control, she should probably be evaluated by a medical professional to determine the cause.

In the meantime, if you do not wish to be pregnant, please don’t continue to have unprotected sex. Either abstain from sex or use birth control. If you are interested in starting a method of birth control and you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment.  We can talk with you about all of your contraceptive options and help you choose one that best fits your lifestyle. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.

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