I just started my birth control eight days ago and my period just ended yesterday. I had protected sex today but we discovered to condom had broken during the act. If i take the plan b pill how will this effect my birth control and/or my cycle?

2. April 2012


If you are on the pill and have not missed any pills or taken them late, Plan B is not needed. The pill becomes effective after you’ve taken a full week’s worth of pills. If you are on a different method or have missed pills, contact the provider who prescribed your method for their recommendation.

Condoms should be used in addition to the pill for protection against sexually transmitted infections (they are not necessary for pregnancy prevention). Condoms work best when they are used correctly and consistently. Here are some tips for correct condom use.

  • Always check the expiration date to be sure it is not expired prior to use.
  • Condoms should be stored at room temperature in a sharps free environment.
  • Never use an oil-based lubricant with a latex condom. If you need additional lubricant, use a water-based type like KY Jelly or Astroglide.
  • Pinch the tip of the condom between the thumb and forefinger while rolling it onto the erect penis to ensure that there is no air pocket in the tip of the condom.
  • Smooth out the sides of the condom once it has been rolled on to ensure there are no air pockets in the sides of the condom.
  • Hold onto the rim or base of the condom while removing the penis from the vagina to prevent it from slipping off inside the vagina during removal.
  • Do not have any penis-vagina contact without a condom.

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