Me and my boyfriend had sex almost 4 weeks ago. We did use a condom and he only cum once. I went to the doctor to get birth control pills and he said i wasn’t pregnant. My period hasn’t came on yet. its 4 days late. I’m not experiencing any pregnancy symptoms. But, I’m i pregnant?

21. March 2012


The only way to know and to give yourself peace of mind is to repeat the pregnancy test. If it is still negative, then you most likely are not pregnant. If you are waiting for a period in order to start your birth control pills, contact your doctor and ask about starting them without a period.

If you have already started your pills, continue to take them every day. It can take 1 to 3 months for your body to become adjusted to the pills. Until then, your period may be a little earlier or later, but it should occur sometime during the placebo week of your pill pack.


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