i took. my first plan B pill yesterday at 5pm and your suppose to take a second one 12 hrs later but i didnt wake up at 5am to take the other so it was longer than 12hrs apart. Will it still work ?

20. March 2012


Taking the emergency contraception incorrectly will decrease the effectiveness of it. If you are within 5 days of the unprotected intercourse, you may want to consider taking the Plan B again.

In the past, Plan B was given in two doses, twelve hours apart. The problem with this dosing was that many women forgot to take the second pill on time. Therefore, the ECP’s did not work. The most recent dosing recommendation for ECP’s is to take it as a one time dose . So, depending on the manufacturer’s packaging, you may be taking either a one time dose of one pill or a one time dose of two pills. Both ways deliver the same amount of progesterone into your  system and are just as effective. Additionally, the recent dosing regimen is probably more effective because it decreases the human error factor.

After taking Plan B, you may experience some irregular bleeding or spotting. Your next period may come earlier or later than usual. If you do not have a period within 3 weeks, do a pregnancy test.

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