As long as you are taking your birth control pills correctly & consistently, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is very low. It can take your body 1 to 4 months to become adjusted to being on the pills. During this time, you may experience some irregular spotting. This should go away as you remain on the pill.
One of the benefits of taking the birth control pills is that it shortens and lightens your period. Yes, bleeding may be very, very light. It may last 1 to 7 days. Bleeding may vary from month to month. Any bleeding/spotting during your hormone free pill days (placebos) is considered a period. Most birth control pills should also decrease the severity of cramping.
If your lack of bleeding concerns you, or your cramping is not improved on the pill, consult with your doctor. You may need a pill change to bring about the results you want.
26. March 2012