Hi, my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex, and it was on the day after my last day of my period. I still got a little red spots from my period. And he didn’t cum inside me. It was very far from the vagina. I had done this before but I didn’t get pregnant, and I’m an acidic person, like I usually have acids in my stomach and I had to take meds to ease the pain. I heard acids could kill sperm. I’m just checking if I’m safe?

21. March 2012


Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. Having acid in your stomach is very different than having acid in your vagina. Your stomach and vagina are two very different and separate organs; having problems with acid regulation in your stomach does not mean that your entire bodily system is acidic.

The vaginal fluid does tend to be acidic. This helps prevent vaginal infections. However, vaginal pH does change around ovulation time, becoming less hostile to sperm, therefore, promoting conception. Vaginal fluid itself will not kill sperm and is not reliable birth control.

If you are not planning a pregnancy, you may want to consider using a reliable, long term method of birth control. Condoms, when used correctly & consistently, can be effective at preventing pregnancy. Long term methods of birth control, like the pills, patch, vaginal ring and Depo Provera injection, are relatively safe and very effective. If interested, contact you doctor or clinic.

Family Planning Plus clinics offer gynecological exams, birth control, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception for little to no cost, depending on your household size and income. STD screenings are free for men and women of all ages. Please feel free to schedule an appointment at any of our clinic locations.

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