ok so im 17 i had sex last month in january it really much of it kuz it hurt so i didnt want to keep going he never cumed in me all he had in the condom was precum i started last month and i didnt start in feb im stressing out and plus im doing allot of exercising im really scared help ..oh i took a pregancy well 3 and all came back negative

21. March 2012


Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. However, your partner used a condom and did not ejaculate. The condom remained intact. The chance of pregnancy is low.

Several things can affect your menstrual cycle. Things like stress, illness, or changes in diet, exercise or sleep patterns can alter your period. Your period could come earlier or later than usual. You have taken 3 pregnancy tests, which have all been negative, so it is unlikely that you are pregnant. It may take your body a month or two to become adjusted to your new routine.

If you are going to continue to be sexually active, and are not planning a pregnancy, it is important to continue using condoms. You may want to consider beginning a long term method of birth control like the pills or Depo Provera injection. These would provide you with birth control and would help regulate your menstrual cycle.

Family Planning Plus clinics offer gynecological exams, birth control, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception for little to no cost, depending on your household size and income. STD screenings are free for men and women of all ages. Please feel free to schedule an appointment at any of our clinic locations.

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