Eye infections caused by chlamydia in adults is not common. However, unless your eye discharge was cultured, you would not know. Pink eye and other eye infections that occur in children and adults can be caused by a variety of different organisms. Eye infections tend to be very contagious because we rub our eyes with our fingers. Eye infections are treated with antibiotic eye dropsand warm compresses, which can soothe sore eyes.
Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy and infection. Using condoms does help decrease your risk, however, as you know, they are not perfect. Sometimes, urinating after sex can flush out bacteria and help decrease your risk of infection. Do not rely on urinating after intercourse as protection/prevention. Continue using condoms. Limiting your number of partners also helps to decrease your risk of exposure to STD’s.
If you have concerns, consider having an STD screening done.
Family Planning Plus clinics offer gynecological exams, birth control, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception for little to no cost, depending on your household size and income. STD screenings are free for men and women of all ages. Please feel free to schedule an appointment at any of our clinic locations.
5. March 2012