I had sex while really drunk with my bf I wasn’t on bc and he didn’t have a condom on but he didn’t cum inside me and was hardly turned on by me bc I was so drunk so we stopped having sex. He came later that night but not due to sex. I know it’s hard to say if I could be pregnant or not because you don’t know my cycle or ovulation dates but statistically what are the chances I could get pregnant from this encounter?

17. January 2012


 The likelihood of pregnancy from the incident you described is extremely low. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any statistics regarding pregnancy occurring from pre-ejaculatory fluid (the fluid that leaks out of the penis prior to ejaculation). The studies that have been done have mostly examined whether or not there is any motile sperm (sperm capable of moving and fertilizing an egg) in this fluid. Some of these studies have determined that there is no motile sperm and some have found that there is. Therefore, to be on the safe side we would recommend that you use the morning after pill within 72 hours of the incident.

If you and your boyfriend are going to continue to be intimate, please use a method of birth control from now on. Condoms can be purchased almost anywhere. We offer free condoms at all of our offices. If you are interested in starting a hormonal method of birth control (like the pill), call one of our offices for an appointment.

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