I had sex with my boyfriend about a week or two ago, we didn’t use protection but he didn’t cum in me. could I be pregnant?

16. January 2012


Anytime you have unprotected sex, there is the risk of pregnancy. Your risk depends on several factors:

If you are using a long term birth control method (pill, shot, patch, ring) correctly & consistently, then you were protected, and should not have gotten pregnant.

If you were having or just ending your period, then the risk of pregnancy is lower, because you are less fertile at that time. However, if you were in the middle of your cycle, around ovulation time, then this would make the risk of pregnancy higher.

Prior to ejaculation, most men leak a small amount of pre-ejaculatory fluid from their penises. This fluid (pre-cum) may contain sperm, which could result in pregnancy. This is one of the reasons why the withdrawal (“pull-out”) method is ineffective.

Consider using condoms and starting a long term method of birth control. If your period is more than 1 week late, you may want to perform a pregnancy test, either at home or at one of our clinics. If you are interested in starting birth control or need a pregnancy test, call one of our clinics for an appointment.

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