If you have never had sexual intercourse….that means that a penis has never been in your vagina, then you do not need to worry about being pregnant.
If you are on the birth control pills and have taken them everyday, it can be normal to skip a period once in a while. One of the ways the pills work is by thinning the build-up of the uterine lining. Some months the build-up of uterine tissue is so thin that there is nothing to “bleed” out. (Remember the uterine lining builds up with blood vessel rich tissue every month, in preparation for a pregnancy. When no pregnancy occurs, the tissue dies off and comes out the vagina.) Start a new pill pack on time, and continue to take your pills every day. You’ll probably have some bleeding with your next cycle.
If you are on the Depo shot, then you would be expected to not have a period. The Depo shot also thins the uterine lining. Because the Depo shot is good for 3 months, you have no monthly withdrawal of hormones like one does on the pill. This is why the Depo shot makes your periods stop. (Periods return when you stop the Depo).
If you have further questions or concerns, call one of our clinics or your doctor.
14. January 2012