Any time you have intercourse there is a risk of pregnancy. Condoms, when used correctly & consistently, can be very effective. With perfect use, condoms can be 98% effective, with typical use, about 85% effective. Some reasons why condoms fail are: not using one, not using a new one for each sex act, using a condom incorrectly, and the condom breaking or slipping off. The condom slipping off the penis either during intercourse or upon removal of the penis from the vagina is the most common cause of condom failure.
While nausea can be a symptom of pregnancy, don’t get upset over 1 or 2 episodes. You may be coming down with a stomach virus. Many things can alter your cycle–illness, lack of sleep, stress. Wait until your period is more than 1 week late. If its still hasn’t happened, do a pregnancy test.
11. January 2012