Anytime a couple has unprotected intercourse there is always a chance of pregnancy, but the risk can depend on where you’re at in your cycle.
“A cycle” is considered to be from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period. Say a woman has regular 28 day menstrual cycles, her “fertile time” would start around day 10, with the peak being ovulation, typically on day 14. So, this woman’s fertile days would be days 10 to 14. After day 16, the egg is usually gone, and pregnancy is less likely. However, several things can “screw up” your cycle (stress, lack of sleep, illness, medications), making them shorter or longer thus altering your ovulation date. Keep in mind, too, that sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 3 days.
Day 1 of your cycle would have been December 13th. For a 28 day cycle then, ovulation time would be around December 25th. Theoritically, having unprotected intercourse 6 days after ovulation should decrease your risk of pregnancy. If you do not get your next period on time, do a pregnancy test.
If you & your partner are not planning a pregnancy, it is best to consistently use a reliable form of birth control. If you have further questions or need a pregnancy test or birth control, please call one of our clinics.
5. January 2012