Any time you have unprotected intercourse, there is a risk of pregnancy.
You state that your last period was in June, and no period in July. What about August thru December? If you’ve not have a period for 6 months, have you done a pregnancy test? If you are pregnant (from June), you would be “showing” by now and feeling fetal movement. If you’ve been consistently having unprotected intercourse, then you could have gotten pregnant at another point in time.
There are circumstances when women may have hormonal imbalances which prevent them from getting periods.
Nausea is a common side effect when first starting the birth control pills. You started mid May and stopped mid June. One month is not enough time for your body to get adjusted to being on the pill. Usually any side effects go away after the 3rd month.
Please call one of our clinics to schedule a pregnancy test. If you are interested in restarting birth control, we can also discuss that.
5. January 2012