Urine pregnancy tests check for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone the placenta releases after conception. Most over-the counter pregnancy tests are quite accurate, and will detect hCG after a missed period. Therefore, it is unlikely you are pregnant. However, some individuals do have extremely low hCG levels during the first month or so of their pregnancy. You may even have had a faulty or expired test. To rule out pregnancy for sure, contact your medical care provider and request a blood test for pregnancy. If you have no medical insurance, try repeating the urine test in a few weeks. To decrease the risk of a false negative, use the test as soon as you wake up – your urine will be more concentrated at this time since it’s been collecting in your bladder all night long. In the meantime, please use condoms and a reliable method of birth control for each and every act of sexual intercourse. Since you have chlamydia, it would not be a good time to become pregnant as you can pass the infection to the baby. Correct and consistent use of condoms will help to protect you from both pregnancy and future STD infections.
2. November 2011