You are correct that having unprotected intercourse is a risk for pregnancy. Condoms are a good method when used correctly and consistently…this means with each act of intercourse.
I understand your feeling about not wanting to take hormones on a daily basis. At this time, the options for non-hormonal contraception are the Copper T IUD, or the diaphragm.
The IUD is a “T” shaped device that the doctor inserts into your uterus. This is a relatively easy procedure, and is done in the doctor’s office. This type of IUD, has no hormones in it. Therefore, it does not regulate your periods. It does provide constant contraception that is effective for 10 years. The IUD can be removed at any time.
The diaphragm is a silicone dome shaped device that is inserted by the woman prior to sexual intercourse. A spermicide gel is applied to the diaphragm. It is inserted into the vagina, and is positioned over the cervix. This is a barrier method; it prevents sperm from entering the cervix. The gel helps kill sperm. The diaphragm must be fitted by a doctor or nurse practitioner. It must be inserted into the vagina prior to sexual activity, and a new applicatorful of spermicide must be applied in the vagina for each new sex act. After intercourse, the diaphgram must remain in place for at least 6 to 8 hours. After this time, it is removed, washed and stored in a dry case.
The diaphragm can be very effective, again, when used correctly and consistently.You must have access to your diaphragm in order to use it.
Keep in mind, you do not have to be sexually active to be on the birth control pills. Many women use pills for reasons other than pregnancy prevention. Pills help regulate your menstrual cycle, help to shorten and lighten your periods, and help decrease cramping. Other health benefits are a decrease in decrease in ovarian and endometrial cancers, prevention of ovarian cysts, decrease in ectopic pregnancy, improvement of acne, and others.
Search for more information about contraceptive options. Review the pros and cons of each. Discuss the options with your partner. You may also want to make an appointment with your doctor or clinic to review your options.
Family Planning Plus clinics offer gynecological exams, birth control, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception for little to no cost, depending on your household size and income. STD screenings are free for men and women of all ages. Please feel free to schedule an appointment at any of our clinic locations.
29. May 2012