my LMP was 15th April 2012 had unprotected sex on the 8th may I was supposed to get my period 20th May and nothing. I’ve been experiencing cramps headaches nausea and fatigue my breast have become tender. I have done 2 HPTs both negative. I have woken this morning had very light pink discharge. could I be pregnant?

29. May 2012


Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. However, if your last period started on April 15, May 8th would most likely have been during your less fertile time. Many things can affect your cycle, causing ovulation to occur earlier or later than usual. If ovulation occurs earlier or later, and conception has not occurred, the timing of your period may be earlier or later than usual. Additionally, things like stress, illness, hormonal fluctuations, and changes in exercise or sleep patterns may cause your period to be irregular.

Repeat the pregnancy test agiain in another week. If it continues to be negative, and you still have not had a period, consult with your doctor or clinic for further evaluation.

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