Genital herpes (HSV2) is most commonly caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 2. The Herpes virus, as with most viruses, can lay dormant in your system for long periods of time. Some type of stress occurs in the body, the immune system becomes decreased, the virus is activated, and a “Herpes outbreak” can occur. However, some people can have the HSV2 and never have any symptoms or outbreaks.
We do know that shedding occurs during an active outbreak, and it is best to abstain from sexual activity during that time. Studies have shown that, even when you are not having an active outbreak, you are still shedding the HSV2. The amount or level of virus that is being shed differs at any given time, so it is impossible to know when your viral level is high or low. One way to protect yourself (and your partner) is to use condoms during sex. That being said, condoms are not 100% effective. HSV2 can occur anywhere in the “boxer short” area, so condoms do have their limitations.
Valtrex and Acyclovir are medications that can help control Herpes outbreaks. Valtrex is approved for daily use. When used daily, Valtrex can decreased the amount of shedding and decrease the number of outbreaks. Daily therapy is another way to help protect your partner.
So, getting back to your question: Will your partner get Herpes? Becoming infected with a virus will depend on a few things. First, the amount of exposure, i.e. the level of your viral load. Second, the frequency of exposure, i.e. the number of times exposed. Third, the general health of the person being exposed. Even with all the research that has been done on HSV2, we still really don’t fully know why some people are exposed but do not become infected.
Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer when it comes to sexually transmitted infections. Practicing safe sex every time is always a good idea. If you have any concerns about infection, STD screenings are available.
Family Planning Plus clinics offer free STD screenings for men and women of all ages. Please feel free to schedule an appointment at any of our clinic locations.
4. June 2012