During the month of Feb. my boyfriend and i have been having unprotexted sex almost every weekend up until early March. Thats when i started becoming ill. My symptoms included swolled lymph nodes on my neck, sore throat, and headaches. i also noticed a white pimple at the back of my throat. My mom took me to several clinics and they all tested me for stripped throat. All three times i came out negitive. The nurse then gave me an antibotic shot on my bottom. I was still feeling worse at the time. i couldnt eat because everything except coffee would hurt. My mom took me to the emergency room 15 miles away. The doc checked me for other swollen lymph nodes. He asked my mom to step out and asked me about sexual intercourse. i told him everything. he gave me a pep smear. and tested me for stds. i cried when they told me. A very kind nurse told me it could be cured with medication. The Doctor asked me if it was the first time. (im a junior) i lost it my freshman year after prom. i had trouble telling them that my boyfriend lost his virginity to me, because im 17 and he’s 18. i know he wouldnt cheat. what guy cheats on his first sexual partner? When i told him he was so confused. i asked him if he washes himself down there underneath the extra skin. He told me yes with reassurance that he does it before we had sex. I asked him to get tested or the relationship would end. He told me he would,but that he’s never done that. He doesnt know how much they would charge and if his parents found out he wouldnt know what to do. so we left it at that. My boyfriend and i have not sexual intercourse since then. i finished my meds and took five different pills everyday like i was required. we are in April and i get sudden urges ti have sex. but everything that i went through took those urges away. Can a condom prevent this from happening again? what im saying is that i want to have sex but i dont want to recieve an std again. what should i do?

15. May 2012


 You don’t state what infection you had, but, if you were diagnosed with an STD, your partner needs to be treated for the same. Do not have sexual activity with your partner until he is treated or you may be reinfected.

Your partner may want to make an appointment with his family doctor for treatment. If he does not have insurance or wants to maintain privacy, Family Planning Plus clinics do offer free STD screenings for men & women of all ages. If you and your partner do not live close to any of our clinic locations, check your phone book for any local Planned Parenthood clinics.

During the visit, the healthcare provider will ask questions about sexual history. Your partner will need to let the doctor/nurse know that he needs treatment for the STI that you tested positive for. STD screening usually consists of a urine specimen for chlamydia & gonorrhea, and a blood draw for HIV & syphilis. The clinic will provide medication for treatment, if necessary. You may also want to consider being retested in 6 to 8 weeks.

Resuming sexual activity will depend on the feelings you and your partner have for each other. You may need to have an open, honest discussion about your relationship.

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