my boyfriend came in me two days in a row amd im not on borth control… what are the chances of pregnancy?

23. April 2012


Unfortunately, I can’t give you a percentage. The chances of your being pregnant are dependent on a number of different things. Some of these include the number of times one has intercourse (of course, the more times you have unprotected intercourse, the greater the chance of pregnancy) and the timing of the intercourse in relationship to your menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy is most likely to occur when intercourse occurs around the time of ovulation (the monthly release of an egg). The only way to know for sure when you ovulate is by charting your menstrual cycles. The best way to chart your cycles is by recording your basal body temperature, the characteristics of your cervical mucus, and the timing of your periods every day for several months. Right around the tiime of ovulation, you will notice a slight rise in your basal body temperature and your cervical mucus will become clear and elastic (like egg whites). To become pregnant, you would want to have intercourse just before, during, and just after your anticipated ovulation day. Most women ovulate mid-cycle. For a 28 day cycle, you would ovulate about two weeks after the first day of your period and two weeks before your next period.

If you are planning a pregnancy, please contact your regular medical provider for a pre-pregnancy check-up. Let him or her know that you would like to become pregnant and they will talk with you about possible lifestyle changes you might need to make to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

If you do not wish to be pregnant, please don’t continue to have unprotected sex. Either abstain from sex or use birth control. If you are interested in starting a method of birth control and you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment.  We can talk with you about all of your contraceptive options and help you choose one that best fits your lifestyle. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.

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