Hey! I’m 21 years old and I need help. This month will be the second month I havnt had my period. My last period was January 27th 2012. I took billions of pregnancy test and all were negative. I took another one a couple days ago and it was a faint positive. I waited a couple days to take another one it was negative. I dont know what to do. I’ve also noticed that my veins are bulging out everywhere especially on my chest and my areolas keep changeing colors. One mintue there dark then the next there light.I have also notice blue veins all over the palms of my hands. I also have tissue like discharge, sometimes it’s a lot and sometimes it’s very little. Could I be pregnant or have a STD. Please help!!

27. March 2012


If you had a faint positive result from a home pregnancy testing kit, you need to make an appointment with your regular medical provider for a more definitive pregnancy test. If you are worried about sexually transmitted infections as well, you can also request STD testing at your appointment. If you don’t have a regular provider and live near one of our offices, please give us a call for an appointment. If you live further away, consult the yellow pages or search online for a provider of your choice.

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