From one act of unprotected sex, you have about an 8% risk of pregnancy. If the intercourse occurred around ovulation time, the risk would be higher. If you regularly ovulate mid-cycle and you have 28-day cycles, you would have ovulated approximately 14 days after the beginning of your period. I wouldn’t stress out too much. You used a condom and it sounds as if the condom did not break or leak during use and you also used Plan B to further reduce your risk. If you are a week or more late for your next period, take a pregnancy test. However, pregnancy is highly unlikely in your case.
Just remember that Plan B should not be used habitually as a regular method of birth control as it is less effective than other methods. If you are going to continue to have sexual intercourse, you may want to think about using a hormonal form of birth control as they are more effective. If you live near one of our offices, please call us for an appointment. We can talk with you about your contracepive options and help you choose one that best fits your lifestyle. If you live further away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood closest to you.
22. March 2012