I just found out I have Chlamydia today… I know I have had it for less than a month because I only slept with two guys. The first guy I am positive didn’t have it, but the second guy had the symptoms of it. I just didn’t know it at the time. Anyways, I know I have had it for less than a month but I was wondering if it could make me unable to reproduce in the future. Could that take affect this early? I dearly hope not I do want kids of my own… I get the medicine tomorrow morning…

20. March 2012


If you’ve only had chlamydia for a month and you are being treated tomorrow, your fertility should not be affected by this infection. It is recommended that you abstain from sexual intercourse during your treatment and for one week after so you don’t become reinfected. Repeated infections increase the likelihood of fertility problems in the future. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect yourself from future exposure. Limiting your sexual partners and using condoms from start to finish will reduce your risk of reinfection.

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