Taking the Next Choice emergency contraception is not necessary.
Continue taking your regular birth control pills every day. Using “regular” birth control pills as emergency contraception was developed in the early 1970’s. Most clinicians do not use this way anymore because the increased estrogen content did create unpleasant side effects (nausea, vomiting). Additionally, many women would forget to take the second dose twelve hours later.
Today’s ECP’s (Plan B, One Step, Next Choice) contain progesterone only. Because they are free of estrogen, they are safe for most women and have very few side effects. Plus, most are packaged as a convenient one pill, one time dose.
The most common side effect after taking emergency contraception is irregular bleeding and spotting. Your next period may be earlier or later than usual. If your next period is more than 1 week late, perform a pregnancy test.
21. March 2012