If you have been taking your birth control pills correctly & consistently, the chance of pregnancy is very low. Additionally, if you have not been sexually active since November, and had gotten pregnant at that time, you would be “showing” and having a variety of pregnancy signs.
Urine pregnancy tests usually show up positive by the 5th week of pregnancy. So, if you did a pregnancy test and it was negative, you are not pregnant.
Occasionally, due to hormonal fluctuations, women may experience symptoms that “feel” like pregnancy. Breast tenderness, bloating, irregular bleeding and tiredness can be common. You can also repeat the pregnancy test at this time. If it is negative, then you have more peace of mind.
If these symptoms continue and your test is negative, you may want to contact your doctor or clinic for a follow up appointment. You may need a change in your pills, or you may have something else going on.
21. March 2012