if he came in me once but it was the second time we had sex so it was really little sperm what r the chances of getting pregnant

1. March 2012


If he ejaculated inside the vagina, there is still a risk of pregnancy even though it was his second ejaculation. It is true that there may have been fewer sperm in the second ejaculation and thus a decreased risk of pregnancy. However, there are still millions of sperm in as little as a quarter-teaspoon of semen and it only takes one to fertilize an egg.

We would recommend using Plan B to reduce your risk of pregnancy.Plan B use will not prevent a pregnancy if it has been over five days since the unprotected sex.  Plan B works best if it is used within the first 24 hours after unprotected sex but can be used up to 72 hours (or three days) after the unprotected sex.  However, some research has shown that it may even have some preventive effects up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex.  The sooner you use Plan B, the more effective it is.

If you are 17 or older, you can purchase Plan B at most drug stores without a prescription. You will need to ask the pharmacist for Plan B as it is located behind the counter. You may also need to show ID to prove your age. Plan B is around $50. If you are under 17, you will need a prescrition from a doctor. You can also get Plan B from a Family Plannning or Planned Parenthood clinic. We offer Plan B at all of our clinics at reduced fees. Some individuals qualify for free services.

One of the most common side effects of Plan B use is menstrual irregularity.  Therefore, your next period could be heavier than normal, earlier than usual, later than usual, or spotty (meaning you may bleed for a few days, stop, and then bleed some more). 

Remember that Plan B should not be used as a regular method of birth control as it is less effective than other methods.  If you are going to continue to have sexual intercourse, it is best to use another more reliable form of birth control.  If you would like to discuss your birth control options, please call one of our clinics to make an appointment. If you live too far away, contact the Family Planning or Planned Parenthood office closest to you.

If you miss your next period by one week or more, take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, repeat the test every two weeks until you either have a normal period or a positive test result.

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