so me and my boyfriend had sex today and we used a condom and i am on birth control and he dosnt know if he cam in me or pullled out right before so now im scared i could be pregnant…could i?

29. February 2012


Pregnancy is highly unlikely because:

1) He used a condom. As long as their was no penis-vagina contact without a condom and as long as the condom was intact and did not break or slip off inside of you, sperm could not have entered the vagina to cause a pregnancy.

2) You are on birth control. Though it’s not clear what type of birth control you are using, use of any birth control greatly reduces your risk of pregnancy. When used perfectly, hormonal methods (the pill, the shot, the patch, the ring, the implant, and the Mirena IUD) are 99% or more effective. As long as you are using your method correctly, pregnancy is unlikely (even if the condom broke and he ejaculated inside of the vagina).

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