Recently i took a plan b due to short unprotected sex. it has been about a week since ive taken it. i just finished my period but i recently started seeing someone who has a larger penis than anyone ive been with which also attributes to the fact that i have not had many partners. but the day after we had intercourse i began bleeding, like a period. i had to put a tampon in. could this be because he is large and the sex was also longer than usual? ive read that i could just be cut inside and my body is healing. this has never happened to me nor have i ever had sex with someone his size. what could be the matter?

5. March 2012


It is unlikely that you would receive a cut inside your vagina that would produce that amount of bleeding. Irritation from intercourse may cause some brownish or pinkish spotting, but not usually period like bleeding. You may be experiencing some irregular bleeding due to taking the Plan B.  Since Plan B gives is a hormone, your cycle may be a little “off” for a month or so. It is also common to have some irregular spotting or bleeding after taking Plan B.

If you continue to be sexually active with your “bigger” partner, your vagina will stretch to accomadate his size. You may need to adjust your sexual positions or use exta lubricant for comfort.

Family Planning Plus clinics offer gynecological exams, birth control, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception for little to no cost, depending on your household size and income. STD screenings are free for men and women of all ages. Please feel free to schedule an appointment at any of our clinic locations.

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