i started my period on january 6 and it ended on the 10 and i had unprotected sex january 12 and about 25 minutes after i took the one step plan b pill. its been 5 days and i noticed spotting and a few hours later the spotting seemed as if it was the beginning of my period and aside that i’m having some cramps. what could that mean? please i need answers asap!

18. January 2012


Some women may experience irregular spotting or bleeding after taking Plan B.  You may notice some irregular spotting throughout your next cycle, this is normal. Your next period may be a little earlier or later than normal. It may be spottier or heavier than normal. These are all common after Plan B use. If your next period is more than 1 week late, do a pregnancy test.

If you are not on a long term method of birth control and not using condoms, you may want to consider starting one (pills, shot, ring, patch). Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. If you are interested in starting  birth control or need a pregnancy test, Family Planning clinics offer these at little to no cost, depending on your household size and income.

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