Yes, you could become pregnant. Anytime you have unprotected intercourse, there is the risk of pregnancy. Since you last Depo shot was in September, you are no longer protected by it. It can take 3-6 months for your period to return on a regular basis. When you ovulate will depend on your body. However, you will ovulate before having a bleed. Due to this, you could get pregnant without having a period. After discontinuing the Depo shot, some women become pregnant right away, others may take up to 2 years.
Depending on when this occurred, emergency contraception is an option. Emergency contraception (Plan B, etc.) helps prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation. It is not to be used as a regular, long term method of birth control. ECPs are most effective when taken within 24 hours after unprotected intercourse, but studies show they may be effective when taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse. ECPs may be purchased over the counter at many pharmacies. You must be 17 or older to buy them, under age 17 requires a prescription. The cost is about $45 or more, depending on the pharmacy.
Your bleeding after intercourse may be due to irritation of the cervix from sex, a vaginal infection or it may be due to no problem at all–just spotting. If this spotting after intercourse continues or if you don’t have a period, its a good idea to have a pregnancy test and/or infection check.
If you are interested in getting emergency contraception, a pregnancy test or infection check, our Family Planning Plus clinics offer all of these at little to not cost, depending on your household size and income. Please call one of our clinics for an appointment.
17. January 2012