It is possible that your partner didn’t know he was urinating. During sex a lot of pressure is put on the bladder (in men & women). This may cause one to need to urinate right after sex. Since it can take several minutes for an orgasm sensation for completely fade, your partner may have been confused about what he was feeling. He may not have felt the urge to urinate or known he was urinating until it was “too late”.
What can happen to you? Whether its intercourse or urinating inside your vagina, having unprotected sex puts you at risk for vaginal infections (bacterial vaginosis, yeast), as well as sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, if you are not on a long term method of birth control, you are also at risk for pregnancy.
You may want to consider having an STD screening done. Family Planning clinics offer free STD screenings for men and women. Testing includes blood work for HIV & syphilis, and a urine sample for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Infection checks are also available. Please call one of our clinics for an appointment.
17. January 2012