i have been on birth control for two months. i was on antibiotics for ten days. when my boyfriend and i had sex the condom slipped off at the end. this was five days after i finished the antibiotics. i still took plan b just to be safe. after taking plan b, do i just continue my pill pack as normal that day or start a new pack that day? or should i wait a day before taking a pill?

17. January 2012


Just continue to take your pills as you normally would. Do not skip any pills. Because you received an extra large dose of hormones during this pack (since you took Plan B), you may notice some temporary nausea and some changes with your bleeding patterns. You may have some bleeding in between your periods, and/or your next period may be lighter with fewer days of bleeding. You may miss your next period altogether. Keep taking your regular birth control pills everyday. If you miss two periods in row, take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is extremely unlikely though.

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