my boyfriend and i had sex for the 1st time the day after xmas but he didnt cum in me can i still get pregant what is the precentage of it…im 16 and i dont want my dad to no but if i am pregnant what can i do i dont want the baby…if i have to have an abortion what r the rules on that and how much would it cost i live in cali if that helps

17. January 2012


The likelihood of pregnancy from the incident you described is extremely low. Unfortunately, I cannot give you a percentage as I was unable to find any statistics regarding pregnancy occurring from pre-ejaculatory fluid. The studies that have been done have mostly examined whether or not there is any motile sperm (sperm capable of moving and fertilizing an egg) in this fluid. Some of these studies have determined that there is no motile sperm and some have found that there is. Therefore, to be on the safe side we would recommend that you use the morning after pill within 72 hours of the incident. Since it is too late to do that, simply wait until your next period is due. If you miss it, take a pregnancy test. But again, pregnancy is unlikely.

If you and your boyfriend are going to continue to be intimate, please use a method of birth control from now on. Condoms can be purchased almost anywhere and are often free at some clinics. If you are interested in hormonal birth control (like the pill), find the nearest Family Planning or Planned Parenthood and contact them for an appointment. You do not need parental consent to receive contraception in California.

Regarding abortion, a parental consent law does exist in California. However, the law is currently enjoined in the court system and is not being enforced. A first trimester abortion (an abortion performed during the first three months of pregnancy) can cost anywhere from $300 to $950. Rather than having to deal with an unintended pregnancy and making a very difficult decision, please start using birth control or abstain from sexual contact.

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