It takes at least 7 days for the birth control pills to become effective. The timing of your girlfriend’s cycle would determine whether pregnancy risk is “high” or “low”. If she is having or just ending her period, then the likelihood of pregnancy is low. If she is in the middle of her cycle, then she may be fertile, which makes the likelihood of pregnancy higher.
Even if you didn’t ejaculate inside your partner, some amount of pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-cum) usually leaks out–this is something that guys can’t control. This fluid may contain sperm, which could result in pregnancy.
Advise your partner to continue taking her pills correctly & consistently. Using condoms is a good back up method with the pill. If your partner does not get her period during her placebo (sugar) pills, she may want to perform a pregnancy test, either at home or in one of our clinics.
16. January 2012