I had protected sex (with condoms) almost two months ago Nov 26 after two weeks december 9 i got my period and it was completely normal. I was supposed to get my period on January 9 and i am usually regular but for some reason i haven had my period. Recently like 3 days ago i took three pregnancy tests and all of them were negative. I have been burping a lot and i beieve all the gas is making me have acid reflux

16. January 2012


If done accurately, most home pregnancy tests are very reliable. If you have not have any unprotected intercourse, then the risk of pregnancy is decreased.

Things like stress, illness, medications, lack of sleep can alter your cycle, making them come early, late or sometimes, not at all. Continue to use condoms with every act of intercourse. If you do not have a period next month, and your pregnancy tests remain negative, consider making an appointment with your doctor or one of our clinics for a gyn exam. If you’re interested, call one of our clinic sites to schedule an appointment.

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