I had sex for the first time last week. Since the next day, my vagina has been itchy and painful. Pain originated in the front and back of vaginal opening, like the other skin was stretched too much and it was a little red in those two areas, but not painful anywhere else. Today I noticed a little inflammation in the labium minora. Inside doesn’t hurt that I know of. We used a condom, and it’s still too early to be an STD, right? Is this normal? It doesn’t seem to be getting any better over time, although it’s only been a week.

13. January 2012


Most STDs will show up within a week or two. Your discomfort may be due to stretching and friction of the tissue since it was your first time. However, reddness and itching can be symptoms of a yeast infection. You may want to try an over-the-counter yeast medication. If this does not relieve your discomfort, see your ob/gyn for an infection check.

Remember to not have sex while you are using any vaginal medication. When using condoms, an OTC vaginal lubricant (like KY) can help make intercourse more comfortable.


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