i had sex 9 weeks ago on the last day of my period. i took next choice within 7 hours and started depo the next day. all of my hpts are negative and my doctor said my uterus does not feel enlarged and my cervix isnt bluish. also, i spot when my period would normally be due which ive been told is normal when on depo provera. should i still be worried, or can i relax?

12. January 2012



If you are pregnant, the home pregnancy tests should be showing positive by now. When first starting the Depo shot it is very common to have irregular spotting and/or bleeding. It may take your body 3-9 months to become adjusted to being on Depo.

After continued use of the Depo shot, you should have little or no period bleeding. 80% of all women using the Depo shot stop having periods within one year of use. The reason for this is that the shot doesn’t allow the uterine lining to build up each month. If there’s no lining building up and dying off, there’s nothing to bleed out. This is a benefit of the Depo shot that many women enjoy. When you receive your shots on time, Depo’s effectiveness is about 99.9%.


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