Probably nothing. Of course, if he has a sexually transmitted infection, you could become infected. If you are concerned about an infection, having a vaginal swab for chlmydia and gonorrhea would be a good idea.
Women without a uterus cannot get pregnancy /carry a child. There would be nothing for the fertilized egg (zygote) to attach to. I am assuming that you lack a uterus due to a total or partial hysterectomy; you may or may not have your ovaries or fallopian tubes. If you also have no ovaries, you would be considered post-menopausal (meaning your periods have ended and you are no longer fertile). If you have your ovaries,they may still be slightly functional hormone wise, depending on your age. This can help ease your transition into menopause.
If your uterus was removed due to a female cancer, then it is important that you continue to have yearly gyn exams for vaginal pap tests. Having a history of uterine or other female cancer may make you at risk for vaginal cancer. If your uterus was removed for a reason other than cancer, then you only need 1 follow up pap test. If this is normal, you no longer need to continue paps. You do, however, need to continue your yearly gyn visits for a breast exam and pelvic exam.
12. January 2012