I been taking microgestin birth control pills for a month and a half now. Me and my boyfriend had sex on December 19th and the condom had slipped off at the end. I seen his cum on my thighs and my bed. Also the condom was on my vagina. But on December 23rd I’ve been feeling tired, i feel like throwing up at times, and today my boobs hurts. Could i be pregnant?

27. December 2011


You may simply be having some pre-menstrual symptoms and will soon get your period.  Also, it usually takes longer than four days after a possible conception for pregnancy symptoms to show up.  If you are taking your pills at the same time everyday and have not missed any pills, pregnancy is unlikely.  However, according to studies, even when used perfectly, three women out of 1000 can still become pregnant during their first year of pill use.  The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. If you miss your period, call one of our offices for a pregnancy test appointment.

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